- extend <1.4.0 Beta 1 & 2>
- 支持属性中的命名空间和选择器插值 <1.4.0 Beta 1 & 2>
- 新增导入选项功能(reference, inline…)
- 允许属性合并通过 +: 语法 <1.5.0>
- 支持属性差值,例如:@{prefix}-property: value; <1.6.0>
- 支持^和^^ shadow dom 选择器 <1.6.1>
- 支持属性合并,属性间隔为空格时使用+_ <1.7.0>
- 支持深度组合 <1.7.5>
- data-uri, extract, luma, hsvhue, hsvsaturation, hsvvalue, pow, pi, mod, tan, sin, cos, atan, asin, acos, sqrt, convert <1.4.0 Beta 1 & 2>
- isunit <1.4.0 Beta 3>
- svg-gradient, length, min, max <1.5.0>
- 数学运算现在仅发生在括号内 <1.4.0 Beta 1 & 2>
- 单位参加计算 <1.4.0 Beta 1 & 2>
- mixin中的变量不再泄漏到调用他们的作用域 <1.4.0 Beta 1 & 2>
- rgba声明现在是收缩的。例如:rgba(-1, 258, 258, -1)将变为 rgba(0m 255, 255, 0) <1.6.0>
- 展开& when() {,而不是复制 <1.6.2>
- 支持比较引号不同的值。例如:现在”test” === ‘test’ <1.7.1>
- 置顶@charsets 到正确的位置 <1.7.5>
- (~”@var”) 选择器插值被移除。<1.4.0 Beta 1 & 2>
- @import-once 已经被移除 <1.4.0 Beta 1 & 2>
- supports the scoped
directive to load function plugins - All directives are bubbled (e.g. supports), not just media
- Performance improvements to the parser - should help non-chrome browsers with very large less files to be a lot quicker.
- the image size function respects include paths like other file functions
- colour functions take a relative argument that applies percentages relatively instead of absolutely
- include paths now allows : as a separator on windows (recognising and not splitting drive names by the backslash)
@import (css)
does not pull the directive above comments- Fix for import statements without quotes sometimes causing issues
- replace supports dimensions and colours
- the browser field is set in the package.json for use with browserify
- another fix to support paths being passed as a string instead of an array
- detached rulesets can be used as default arguments
- Fix a lot of false warnings about extends
- errors written to stderr more consistently
- consistently keep units if strict units is off
- Better support for comments in function all arguments
- Support for plugins that pre-process (to add libraries silently etc.)
- Empty sourcemaps now work
- Extract and Length functions now ignore comments in a list (more work to come to fix the general problem)
- fragment urls are treated absolute since they refer to the html document
- Extends on a selector joined with
now work better - Nested mixins work better with !important (regression in 2.3.0)
- The promise dependency is now actually optional (introduced in 2.0.0)
- Files with just
newlines now process ok (regression in 2.0.0) - When strict units is off and the unit is 1/x, (e.g. 1 / 12px) the unit output is x, previously nothing (regression in 2.0.0)
- Fix depends option (regression in 2.3.0)
- Support parent selector (
) used in sub element expression (e.g.:not(.c_&)
- add
function - add optional import option, causing less to not fail if file not found
- Fix browsers-side cache.
- Many fixes to import reference - support
and keyframe - Selectors now interpolate pseudo selectors (e.g.
) - Fix comments missed off if they were at the end of the file
- Fix !important used with parametric mixins
- Emits warnings for extends when the target is not found
- include-path now works on data-uri
- variables and function calls work for path in data-uri
- Fix absolute paths not working on imports sometimes.
- Unicode BOM removed again
- Misc. bug fixes
- do not apply relative paths to svg-gradient and data-uri functions data-uri output
- using import filename interpolation and import inline together now works
- deprecate the compression option (still works, but outputs a warning unless silent)
- The node version of less now has image-size, image-width, image-height which return the image dimensions of a file
- Fixed an issue that could cause the parse to occur more than once and the callback be called multiple times
- if you are outputting to the console, lessc defaults to silent so warnings do not end up in output
function supports''
to test if a dimension has no unit- data-uri function now counts characters after base64 encoding instead of bytes before encoding to determine ie8 support
- fix bug effecting guards on pseudo class selectors
- do not cache on the browser when used with modifyVars
- detection if less does not parse last character in file
- detection of whether a file is css now requires
instead of justcss
. You can still tell less the type of file using import options. - remove extra new line added to sourcemap entry inline file
- support safari extension
- less.parse now exposes a way to get the AST. We do not recommend you use this unless you need to.
- Fix for use with requirejs
- Fixes for data-uri function
- Improved keyword and anonymous usage with the replace function
- Added
to sourcemap builder to avoid duplication in plugins - Fix problem with plugins when used with the promises version of render
- If the render callback throws an exception it now propogates instead of calling the callback again with an error
- Fixed
option, it was using sync file operations but promises are guaranteed to call back async. We now support promises as a feature rather than the 1st class way of doing things. - Browser code is now synchronous again, like in v1, meaning it blocks the site until less is compiled
- Some fixes for variable imports which affected filemanagers when synchronous
- Fixed lessc makefile dependencies option
- output now reports back a imports field with an array of imported files
- relative path test for drive names (so windows only) is now case insensitive
- Fix for IE7 - use getChar instead of indexing array
- variables using !important now output !important, which bubbles up to affect the rule
- livereload cache buster is now treated specially
- upgrade dependencies
- Fixed multiplication in non strict units mode to take the left operand unit, in the case that the unit cannot be resolved
- Some fixes for browser cross-compatibility
- browser tests now pass in IE 8-11 and FF
- added index.js and browser.js in root as shortcuts
- fixed some local variable spellings
- support for
- some refactoring of browser structure to allow use of api vs normal browser bundle
- browser bundle no longer leaks require
- browser can now be scoped with just window
- browser
defaults totrue
, but file cache is now cleared when refreshing or in watch mode
- Imports are now sequenced and so are consistent (previously some complex projects might end up with occasional different orderings)
- Imports with variables are better supported - variables can be specified in sub imports
- Support for rebeccapurple
- Browser can now accept options as attributes on the script tag and the link tags e.g.
<script data-verbose="false" src="less.js"...
- adding a .less file extension is done in the abstract file manager so it the behaviour can be overridden by certain file managers
- Fixed a bug where unquoted urls beginning
would be incorrectly interpreted (bug introduced in b-1) - lessc plugins can be a function, used as a constructor as well as an object - this to allow the plugin more flexibility to be used programattically
- Public Beta / Release Candidate - Feedback welcome For a guide to breaking changes see the v2 upgrade guide
- no longer including old versions of less in the repo or npm
- not including test less and gradle files in npm
- colours now output in the format they are added, so yellow will output yellow, not its hex counterpart
- better parsing - better comment support and comments in brackets can now contain comments including quotes.
- Removal of dependency on clean-css - install less-plugin-clean-css and use –clean-css to reference plugin
- Environment Support - less is now separate from its node and browser environment implementations and adding support for another javascript environment should be straight forward.
- Plugin Support - it is now straight forward to add AST manipulations (see less-plugin-inline-images), file managers (see less-plugin-npm-import) and post processors (see less-plugin-clean-css and less-plugin-autoprefix).
- We now recommend using less.render and using the parser directly is not in the same way as in v2. It is possible but it would require changes and we do not guarantee it will not be broken in minor version releases.
- In the browser, less.pageLoadFinished will be a promise, resolved when less has finished its initial processing. less.refresh and less.modifyVars also return promises.
- In the browser, as before less is used as options, however this is now copied to less.options if you need to access after less has run
- In the browser, the cache can be overwritten by setting less.cache before less loads. After load less.cache will be the default implementation.
- less.js now uses browserify to generate its browser side component
- default values for the sourcemap options have been re-done and improved to hopefully mean creating sourcemaps is easier
- Many smaller bugfixes and API changes. Please let us know if something you relied on has disappeared or an area should be better documented.
- Allow comments in keyframe (complete comment support coming in 2.0)
- 允许在keyframe中存在注释
- pass options to parser from less.render
- 从less。render传递参数给解析器
- Support /deep/ combinator
- 支持深度组合
- handle fragments in data-uri’s
- 处理 data-uri 片段
- float @charsets to the top correctly
- 置顶@charsets 到正确的位置
- updates to some dependencies
- 更新部分依赖
- Fix interpolated import in media query
- 修复媒体查询中的import插值
- A few other various small corrections
- 其他一些小问题修复
- Handle uppercase paths in browser
- 处理浏览器中中路径中的大写字母
- Show error if an empty selector is used in extend
- 如果对空选择器使用extend将会报错
- Fix property merging in directives
- 修复directives中的属性合并问题
- Fix ordering of charset and import directives
- 修复字符集和导入指令的顺序问题
- Fix race condition that caused a rules is undefined error sometimes if you had a complex import strategy
- Better error message for imports missing semi-colons or malformed
- 导入确实分号将会有更好的错误消息
- Do not use util.print to avoid deprecate warnings in node 0.11
- 不再使用 util.print,node0.11中将会废弃
- Include dist files, missing from 1.7.2
- 引入dist文件,1.7.2中丢失的
- Do not round the results of color functions, like lightness, hue, luma etc.
- 不再取舍颜色函数的结果,例如:lightness, hue, luma等
- Support cover and contain keywords in background definitions
- 支持背景中的cover和contain关键字
- Allow paths option to be a string (in 1.7.1 less started throwing an exception instead of incorrectly processing the string as an array of chars)
- 允许路径选项是一个字符串
- Do not round numbers when used with javascript (introduced 1.7.0)
- 使用javascript时,不再修改数字精度
- Fix detection of recursive mixins
- 修复对mixin循环引用的检测
- Fix the paths option for later versions of node (0.10+)
- 修复path参数
- Fix paths joining bug
- 修复路径加入问题
- Fix a number precision issue on some versions of node
- 解决部分node版本中,数字精度问题
- Fix an IE8 issue with importing css files
- 修复IE8中导入css文件的一个问题
- Fix IE11 detection for xhr requests
- 修复IE11检测xhr请求问题
- Modify var works if the last line of a less file is a comment.
- Better detection of valid hex colour codes
- 更好的检测十六进制颜色值
- Some stability fixes to support a low number of available file handles
- Support comparing values with different quote types e.g. “test” now === ‘test’
- 支持比较引号不同的值。例如:现在”test” === ‘test’
- Give better error messages if accessing a url that returns a non 200 status code
- 对于返回非200状态码的url,给出更好的错误提示
- Fix the e() function when passed empty string
- 修复给e()函数传递空字符串的错误
- Several minor bug fixes
- 几个小错误修复
- Add support for rulesets in variables and passed to mixins to allow wrapping
- 支持变量中的规则集,并且可以传递给mixin
- Change luma to follow the w3c spec, luma is available as luminance. Contrast still uses luma so you may see differences if your threshold % is close to the existing calculated luma.
- 更改luma函数,遵循w3c规范,luma现在可以作为luminance使用。
- Upgraded clean css which means the –selectors-merge-mode is now renamed –compatibility
- 升级clean css,–selectors-merge-mode现在更名为–compatibility
- Add support for using variables with @keyframes, @namespace, @charset
- 添加对如下变量的支持:@keyframes, @namespace, @charset
- Support property merging with +_ when spaces are needed and keep + for comma separated
- 支持属性合并,属性间隔为空格时使用+_,间隔为逗号时使用+
- Imports now always import once consistently - a race condition meant previously certain configurations would lead to a different ordering of files
- Fix support for
when called with no args (e.g..mixin();
) - 当没有参数时,修复对
) - Do unit conversions with min and max functions. Don’t pass through if not understood, throw an error
- min和max函数将进行单位转换。不能识别的单位将会报错
- Allow % to be passed on its own to the unit function e.g.
unit(10, %)
- unit函数支持传入%。例如:
unit(10, %)
- Fix a bug when comparing a unit value to a non-unit value if the unit-value was the multiple of another unit (e.g. cm, mm, deg etc.)
- 修复有单位值和无单位值比较时的一个错误(例如:cm,mm,deg等)
- Fix mixins with media queries in import reference files not being put into the output (they now output, they used to incorrectly not)
- 修import refrence文件中的媒体查询中的mixin不被输出问题(尼玛太拗口了)
- Fix lint mode - now reports all errors
- 修复lint模式——现在会报告全部的错误
- Fixed a small scope issue with & {} selector rulesets incorrectly making mixins visible - regression from 1.6.2
- 修复一个小的作用域问题——1.6.2中引入,& {}选择器会引起mixin可见
- Browser - added log level “debug” at 3 to get less logging, The default has changed so unless you set the value to the default you won’t see a difference
- Browser - logLevel takes effect regardless of the environment (production/dev)
- Browser - added postProcessor option, a function called to post-process the css before adding to the page
- 浏览器——添加postProcessor选项,
- Browser - use the right request for file access in IE
- 浏览器——在IE中使用正确的文件访问请求
- Fix issue with calling toCSS twice not working in some situations (like with bootstrap 2)
- 修复在某些情况下调用两次toCSS导致不工作的情况(像bootstrap 2)
- The Rhino release is fixed!
- 修复RHino版本问题(实在不知道如何翻译)
- ability to use uppercase colours
- 可以使用大写颜色
- Fix a nasty bug causing syntax errors when selector interpolation is preceded by a long comment (and some other cases)
- 修复一个会引起语法错误的严重的问题——当选择器差值之前有一段很长评论时
- Fix a major bug with the variable scope in guards on selectors (e.g. not mixins)
- 修复选择器守护中变量作用域的一个重大错误
- Fold in
& when () {
to the current selector rather than duplicating it - 展开
& when() {
,而不是复制 - fix another issue with array prototypes
- 修复数组原型的一些其他问题
- add a url-args option which adds a value to all urls (for cache busting)
- 添加 url-args 参数,可以给所有url添加值
- Round numbers to 8 decimal places - thereby stopping javascript precision errors
- 整数保留8位小数,避免javascript精度问题
- some improvements to the default() function in more complex scenarios
- 改进default函数在更复杂环境下的表现
- improved missing ‘{‘ and ‘(‘ detection
- 改善丢失’{‘和’(‘的检测
- support ^ and ^^ shadow dom selectors
- 支持^和^^ shadow dom 选择器
- fix sourcemap selector (used to report end of the element or selector) and directive position (previously not supported)
- 修复sourcemap 选择器
- fix parsing empty less files
- 修复解析空less文件的问题
- error on (currently) ambiguous guards on multiple css selectors
- older environments - protect against typeof regex returning function
- 老版本浏览器中,防止typeof 正则表达式 返回函数
- Do not use default keyword
- 不再使用默认关键字
- use innerHTML in tests, not innerText
- 在测试中使用 innerHTML代替innerText
- protect for-in in case Array and Object prototypes have custom fields
- 保护for-in引用原型属性的问题
- Properties can be interpolated, e.g. @{prefix}-property: value;
- 支持属性差值,例如:@{prefix}-property: value;
- a default function has been added only valid in mixin definitions to determine if no other mixins have been matched
- Added a plugins option that allows specifying an array of visitors run on the less AST
- 添加一个插件参数,允许指定一个数组运行less AST
- Performance improvements that may result in approx 20-40% speed up
- 性能改进,提速20-40%
- Javascript evaluations returning numbers can now be used in calculations/functions
- javascripteval返回值现在可以用来计算
- fixed issue when adding colours, taking the alpha over 1 and breaking when used in colour functions
- 修复颜色函数的错误
- when adding together 2 colours with non zero alpha, the alpha will now be combined rather than added
- 当两个颜色的非零alpha相遇时,不再简单相加,而是取其较大者
- the advanced colour functions no longer ignore transparency, they blend that too
- 更高级的颜色函数,不再忽略透明度
- Added –clean-option and cleancssOptions to allow passing in clean css options
- 添加 –clean-option 和 cleancssOptions 允许传入clean-css的参数
- rgba declarations are now always clamped e.g. rgba(-1,258,258, -1) becomes rgba(0, 255, 255, 0)
- rgba声明现在是收缩的。例如:rgba(-1, 258, 258, -1)将变为 rgba(0m 255, 255, 0)
- Fix possible issue with import reference not bringing in styles (may not be a bugfix, just a code tidy)
- 修复import reference的一些问题
- Fix some issues with urls() being prefixed twice and unquoted urls in mixins being processed each time they are called
- 修复urls函数的一些问题
- Fixed error messages for undefined variables in javascript evaluation
- 修复javascript eval中变量未定义的错误消息
- Fixed line/column numbers from math errors
- 修复数学运算中行/列数字错误
- Added source-map-URL option
- 添加 source-map-URL 参数
- Fixed a bug which meant the minimised 1.5.0 browser version was not wrapped, meaning it interfered with require js
- Fixed a bug where the browser version assume port was specified
- 修复一个bug,浏览器版本假定指定了端口
- Added the ability to specify variables on the command line
- 添加在命令行中指定变量的能力
- Upgraded clean-css and fixed it from trying to import
- 升级clean-css
- correct a bug meaning imports weren’t synchronous (syncImport option available for full synchronous behaviour)
- 纠正一个imports 不同步的问题(syncImport选项可以解决这个问题)
- better mixin matching behaviour with calling multiple classes e.g. .a.b.c;
- 对于调用多个类是,更好的mixin匹配行为。例如: .a.b.c;
- sourcemap support
- 支持 sourcemap(一直可以把编译后的样式和源文件对应起来的技术)
- support for import inline option to include css that you do NOT want less to parse e.g.
@import (inline) "file.css";
- 支持内联导入选项,用来包含不想用less解析的css文件。
@import (inline) "file.css"
- better support for modifyVars (refresh styles with new variables, using a file cache), is now more resiliant
- 更好支持 modifyVars(使用新变量刷新风格,使用文件缓存),现在更resiliant
- support for import reference option to reference external css, but not output it. Any mixin calls or extend’s will be output.
- 支持导入 reference 选项,来实现引用css,但不会输出。mixin和extends将会输出。
- support for guards on selectors (currently only if you have a single selector)
- 支持在选择符中使用guard(当前仅支持单个选择符)
- allow property merging through the +: syntax
- 允许属性合并通过 +: 语法
- Added min/max functions
- 添加 min/max 函数
- Added length function and improved extract to work with comma separated values
- 添加 length 函数,改进 extract函数支持逗号分隔符
- when using import multiple, sub imports are imported multiple times into final output
- 当使用 import multiple,子导入最后将被输出多次
- fix bad spaces between namespace operators
- 修复命名空间操作符之间的空格问题
- do not compress comment if it begins with an exclamation mark
- 感叹号开头的评论将不会被压缩(这是非常有用)
- Fix the saturate function to pass through when using the CSS syntax
- 当使用css语法是,修复saturate函数传递问题
- Added svg-gradient function
- 添加 svg-gradient 函数
- Added no-js option to lessc (in browser, use javascriptEnabled: false) which disallows JavaScript in less files
- lessc添加no-js参数(在浏览器中,使用 javascriptEnabled: false),进制在less文件中使用javascript
- switched from the little supported and buggy cssmin (previously ycssmin) to clean-css
- 从小众且bug百出的cssmin(前身是ycssmin)切换到clean-css
- support transparent as a color, but not convert between rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) and transparent
- 支持透明颜色,但不能使用convert转换 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)和transparent
- remove sys.puts calls to stop deprecation warnings in future node.js releases
- 删除 sys.puts 调用,在node.js未来版本中将会废弃
- Browser: added logLevel option to control logging (2 = everything, 1 = errors only, 0 = no logging)
- 浏览器:添加 logLevel 选项,用来控制日志输出(2=全部,1=仅错误,0=不输出)
- Browser: added errorReporting option which can be “html” (default) or “console” or a function
- 浏览器:添加 errorReporting 选项——可以是”html”(默认)或”console”或一个函数。
- Now uses grunt for building and testing
- 现在使用 grunt 构建和测试
- A few bug fixes for media queries, extends, scoping, compression and import once.
- 修复媒体查询,extends,作用域,压缩和import once相关的一些问题
- if you don’t pass a strict maths option, font size/line height options are output correctly again
- 如果没传递严格数学选项,字体 尺寸/行高 可以正确输出了。
- npmignore now include .gitattributes
- 将.gitattributres加入npmignore
- property names may include capital letters
- 属性名可能包括大写字母
- various windows path fixes (capital letters, multiple // in a path)
- 修复各种windows路径(路径中包含大写字母,多个//)
- fix syncImports and yui-compress option, as they were being ignored
- 修复 syncImports 和 yui-compress 选项,由于他们被忽略。
- fixed several global variable leaks
- 修复几个全局变量泄漏问题
- handle getting null or undefined passed as the options object
- 处理获取传递参数对象为null或undefined的情况
- fix passing of strict maths option
- 修复传递严格数学选项
1.4.0 Beta 4
- change strictMaths to strictMath. Enable this with –strict-math=on in lessc and strictMath:true in JavaScript.
- 更改 strictMaths 为 strictMath。启用这个在lessc中使用 –strict-math=on,在javascript中使用 strictMath:true
- change lessc option for strict units to –strict-units=off
- 改变lessc严格单位选项为 –strict-units=off
1.4.0 Beta 3
- strictUnits now defaults to false and the true case now gives more useful but less correct results, e.g. 2px/1px = 2px
- 严格单位现在默认是false,并且true的情况下,会给出更有用但不正确的结果,例如: 2px/1px = 2px
- Process ./ when having relative paths
- 当有相对路径时处理./
- add isunit function for mixin guards and non basic units
- 添加 isunit 函数——用在mixin guard中和非基本单位中
- extends recognise attributes
- 扩展识别属性
- exception errors extend the JavaScript Error
- remove es-5-shim as standard from the browser
- 从浏览器中,移除 es-5-shim。
- Fix path issues with windows/linux local paths
- 修复 windows/linux 的本地路径问题
1.4.0 Beta 1 & 2
- support for
in selectors (e.g.input:extend(.button) {}
) and&:extend();
in ruleset (e.g.input { &:extend(.button all); }
) - 支持在选择符中使用
(例如:input:extend(.button) {}
(例如:input {&:extend(.button all);}
) - maths is now only done inside brackets. This means font: statements, media queries and the calc function can use a simpler format without being escaped. Disable this with –strict-maths-off in lessc and strictMaths:false in JavaScript.
- 数学运算现在仅发生在括号内。这意味着字体属性,媒体查询和calc函数可以使用简单格式,而不用转义。关闭这个功能——lessc中使用 –stract-math-off,在javascript中使用 strictMaths: false
- units are calculated, e.g. 200cm+1m = 3m, 3px/1px = 3. If you use units inconsistently you will get an error. Suppress this error with –strict-units-off in lessc or strictUnits:false in JavaScript
- 单位参加计算,例如:200cm+1m = 3m,3px/1px = 3。如果你使用的单位不一致将会出错。关闭这个错误可以在less中使用 –strict-units-off或在js中使用 strictUnits:false
selector interpolation is removed. Use @{var} in selectors to have variable selectors(~"@var")
。- default behaviour of import is to import each file once.
has been removed. - 默认导入行为是每个文件指导入一次。
已经被移除 - You can specify options on imports to force it to behave as css or less
@import (less) "file.css"
will process the file as less - 你可以指定import时的参数,强制作为css或less来处理。
@import (less) "file.css"
将被作为less文件 - variables in mixins no longer ‘leak’ into their calling scope
- mixin中的变量不再泄漏到调用他们的作用域
- added data-uri function which will inline an image into the output css. If ieCompat option is true and file is too large, it will fallback to a url()
- 添加 data-uri 函数,可以在输出的css中嵌入图片。
- significant bug fixes to our debug options
- 修复调试参数的重大问题
- other parameters can be used as defaults in mixins e.g. .a(@a, @b:@a)
- mixin中支持使用其他参数作为默认参数。例如:
.a(@a, @b:@a)
- an error is shown if properties are used outside of a ruleset
- 如果使用规则其意外的属性,将会报错
- added extract function which picks a value out of a list, e.g. extract(12 13 14, 3) => 14
- 添加 extract 函数——从列表中选出一个值,例如:
extract(12 12 14, 3)
=> 14 - added luma, hsvhue, hsvsaturation, hsvvalue functions
- 添加luma,hsvhue,hsvsaturation,hsvvalue函数
- added pow, pi, mod, tan, sin, cos, atan, asin, acos and sqrt math functions
- 添加如下数学函数:pow,pi,mod,tan,sin,cons,atan,asin,acos和sqrt。
- added convert function, e.g. convert(1rad, deg) => value in degrees
- 添加convert函数,例如:
convert(1rad, deg)
=> 转换为角度 - lessc makes output directories if they don’t exist
- 如果不存在,lessc输出文件夹
- lessc
supports https and 301’s - lessc
支持https和301(http状态吗)。 - lessc “-depends” option for lessc writes out the list of import files used in makefile format
- lessc “-depends”选项让lessc输出makefile格式的导入文件列表
- lessc “-lint” option just reports errors
- lessc “-lint”参数仅报告错误
- support for namespaces in attributes and selector interpolation in attributes
- 支持属性中的命名空间和选择器插值
- other bug fixes
- 其他问题修复
- Fix critical bug with mixin call if using multiple brackets
- 修复调用mixin时,存在多个括号时的循环问题
- when using the filter contrast function, the function is passed through if the first argument is not a color 使用filter contrast
- 函数时,如果第一个参数不是颜色值,将被忽略
- browser and server url re-writing is now aligned to not re-write (previous lessc behaviour)
- 浏览器和服务器现的url重写机制更改为不重写(上一版本lessc的行为)
- url-rewriting can be made to re-write to be relative to the entry file using the relative-urls option (less.relativeUrls option)
- 使用relative-urls参数,url重写将可以对相对文件开启重写
- rootpath option can be used to add a base path to every url
- rootpath参数将会应用到每一个url
- Support mixin argument separator of ‘;’ so you can pass comma separated values. e.g.
.mixin(23px, 12px;);
- 支持参数分隔使用’;’,现在可以像下面这样传递参数,例如:
.mixin(32px, 12px);
- Fix lots of problems with named arguments in corner cases, not behaving as expected
- 修复大量命名参数边界情况——不符合直觉
- hsv, hsva, unit functions
- hsv,hsva,unit 函数
- fixed lots more bad error messages
- 修复大量糟糕的错误消息
- fix
to use the full path, not the relative one for determining if an import has been imported already - 修复在
中使用绝对路径 - support
- 支持
- mixin guards take units into account
- mixin guards引入对单位的支持
- support unicode descriptors (
) - 支持unicode描述符(
) - support calling mixins with a stack when using
(broken in 1.3.1) - 当使用
时,支持mixin调用堆栈 - support
and namespace combinators - 支持
和命名空间组合 - when using % with colour functions, take into account a colour is out of 256
- 当在颜色函数中使用%时,颜色值参考为256
- when doing maths with a % do not divide by 100 and keep the unit
- 数学运算时 a % 不再除以100,而是保留单位
- allow url to contain % (e.g. %20 for a space)
- 允许url中包含%(例如,%20)
- if a mixin guard stops execution a default mixin is not required
- 如果mixin guard 通知执行时不再需要默认mixin
- units are output in strings (use the unit function if you need to get the value without unit)
- 在字符串中输出单位(如果你需要或得没有单位的值请使用unit函数)
- do not infinite recurse when mixins call mixins of the same name
- 当mixin调用自身时,不再无限递归
- fix issue on important on mixin calls
- 修复mixin调用时important的问题
- fix issue with multiple comments being confused
- 修复多个评论冲突的问题
- tolerate multiple semi-colons on rules
- 容忍规则后添加多个分号
- ignore subsequant
- 忽略后面的
- syncImport option for node.js to read files syncronously
- suncImport参数可以使node.js同步读取文件
- write the output directory if it is missing
- 文件丢失输出目录
- change dependency on cssmin to ycssmin
- 将cssmin更改为ycssmin
- lessc can load files over http
- lessc 支持通过http加载文件
- allow calling less.watch() in non dev mode
- 允许在非开发者模式中调用 less.watch()
- don’t cache in dev mode
- 开发模式中禁用缓存
- less files cope with query parameters better
- 更好的文件处理参数
- sass debug statements are now chrome compatible
- 在chrome中兼容sass调试语句
- modifyVars function added to re-render with different root variables
- Support for comment and @media debugging statements
- 支持注释和@media调试语句
- bug fix for async access in chrome extensions
- 修复chrome扩展中的异步访问
- new functions tint, shade, multiply, screen, overlay, hardlight, difference, exclusion, average, negation, softlight, red, green, blue, contrast
- 添加新函数tint, shade, multiply, screen, overlay, hardlight, difference, exclusion, average, negation, softlight, red, green, blue, contrast
- allow escaped characters in attributes
- 允许在属性中使用转义字符
- in selectors support @{a} directly, e.g. .a.@{a} { color: black; }
- 支持在选择符中直接使用 @{a},例如,.a.@{a} {color: black}
- add fraction parameter to round function
- round函数添加部分参数
- much better support for & selector
- 支持更好的 & 选择符
- preserve order of link statements client side
- 维护客户端连接语句的顺序
- lessc has better help
- lessc引入更好的帮助信息
- rhino version fixed
- 修复rhino版本
- fix bugs in clientside error handling
- 修复clientside中的错误处理问题
- support dpi, vmin, vm, dppx, dpcm units
- 支持 dpi,vmin,vm,dppx,dpcm 等单位
- Fix ratios in media statements
- 修复媒体查询条件中的百分比
- in mixin guards allow comparing colors and strings
- 在mixin guards 中支持颜色和字符串的比较
- support for -*-keyframes (for -khtml but now supports any)
- 支持 _*_keyframes
- 原来仅支持-khtml,现在支持全部前缀
- in mix function, default weight to 50%
- 在混入函数中,默认宽度改为50%
- support @import-once
- 支持 @import-once
- remove duplicate rules in output
- 删除输出中的重复规则
- implement named parameters when calling mixins
- 实现调用 mixins 时的命名参数
- many numerous bug fixes
- 修复大量bug
- @media bubbling
- 媒体查询嵌套
- Support arbitrary entities as selectors
- 支持任意实体作为选择器
- Variadic argument support
- 支持可变参数
- Behaviour of zero-arity mixins has changed
- Allow
directives in any selector - 允许在任何选择符中使用
指令 - Media-query features can now be a variable
- 现在媒体查询功能支持使用变量
- Automatic merging of media-query conditions
- 自动合并媒体查询条件
- Fix global variable leaks
- 修复全局变量泄漏
- Fix error message on wrong-arity call
- 修复调用时参数数量错误的错误消息
- Fix an
behaviour bug - 修复
的一个行为错误 - Fix
selector output - 修复
选择符输出 - Fix a bug when using @media with mixins
- 修复在混入中使用@media时的一个问题
- Fix imports in browser
- 修复浏览器中的导入
- Improve error reporting in browser
- 改善浏览器中的错误报告
- Fix Runtime error reports from imported files
- 修复来自导入文件的运行时错误报告
- Fix
File not found
import error reporting - 修复导入时
- Mixin guards
- 引入混入保护
- New function
- 全新的
函数 - New
function to parse hex color strings - 全新的
函数,转换十六进制颜色字符串 - New type-checking stylesheet functions
- 全新的类型检查样式函数
- Fix Rhino support
- 修复对 Rhino 的支持
- Fix bug in string arguments to mixin call
- 修复mixin调用时,字符串参数的问题
- Fix error reporting when index is 0
- 修复当index为零时的错误报告
- Fix browser support in WebKit and IE
- 修复对Webkit和IE浏览器的支持应该指在浏览器中引入less.js的情况
- Fix string interpolation bug when var is empty
- 修复当变量为空时,字符串差值错误
- Support
after mixin calls - 支持 mixni调用后面的
- Support vanilla @keyframes directive
- 支持@keyframes 指定
- Support variables in certain css selectors, like
- 支持在特定的css选择器中使用变量,比如
- Support @media and @import features properly
- 完整支持 @meida 和 @import 特性
- Improve @import support with media features
- 改进@import,支持媒体查询特性
- Improve error reports from imported files
- 改善导入文件错误报告
- Improve function call error reporting
- 改善函数调用错误报告
- Improve error-reporting
- 改善错误报告